Pennsylvania Avenue School

Striving for Excellence Every Day in Every Way! STARS on the Horizon!



    Vice Principal's Message

    EWoody Greetings, It is an extreme honor to serve as Vice Principal of Pennsylvania Avenue School. As a product of Atlantic City Public Schools, I am ecstatic to have the opportunity to serve my community.  My fifteen years of experience as a teacher in Atlantic City has helped prepare me for this new journey.  I look forward to collaborating with all stakeholders, especially parents.

    It is my belief that schools and communities must work together to ensure success for all students. As your vice principal, it is my goal to work with our dedicated staff and community members to help provide a safe, secure, and stable environment where children can grow both academically and socially.  A strong partnership between home and school fosters greater success for our children which will in turn positively impact student achievement. When parents are more involved in their child’s education, the child’s likelihood for academic success greatly increases.

    Communication is key and we cannot accomplish all that we need to without working together. I encourage you to visit our school website and Google classroom often as it contains important information that will keep you connected to your child’s learning experiences and our school. Together we can achieve more!

    Please feel free to email me with any questions and concerns you may have. I look forward to building a rewarding relationship with the families in our school.

    Educationally Yours,

    Mrs. Erica Woody, Vice Principal